3 Things Every Founder Should Know
I love working with founders. If you're a founder looking for an executive coach, I'll save you the trouble and sum it all up for you…
How to Amplify Your Leadership Superpowers
One of my clients was recently surprised that I knew her superpowers without giving her an assessment or working with her 40h/wk (like her colleagues who worked with her for months or years to ID the same 3 superpowers). It's my job to figure this out! Here's how…
Emotional Intelligence for Distributed Teams
In this LinkedIn live conversation, I talk with fellow executive coach and collaborator Stacey Staaterman about how distributed teams can strengthen their emotional intelligence so they can more effectively move forward and get things done.
Recap Your Journey: 2020 Edition
I originally shared this with my mailing list. I got so many responses from people telling me how helpful it was that I decided to share it more publicly.
Mastering Remote Leadership
I recently participated in a panel discussion about remote leadership along with Radhika Nayak, SVP of Product at Kinesso, and Michele Tepper, Senior Design Manager at Salesforce. This conversation is good! Here you go.
When a Lemon is Just a Lemon
When life hands you lemons, you have lemons. And maybe that’s just OK.
The Art of Email
As a leader, one of your most important jobs is to get people to listen to you so that they will take action. It’s hard to do and even harder to do when you’re remote and your team is distributed around the globe. Here are some tips.
Backcast Your Future
If you want to save time and energy and ultimately create a vision and a plan that excites you more than a daunting goals list, all you have to do is write your story by starting at the end and working your way back. Here’s how.
How to Make The Case for an Executive Coach
All of my clients who ask work to financially support coaching get full support. Not just executives. Middle managers, too. All you have to do is ask. It sound daunting, but it’s totally doable. Here’s what I’ve seen work.
When Management Skills Are Not Enough
Most of my clients are people who don’t fit traditional models of leadership in tech. When they start working with me, they are competent as hell. But they don’t feel effective enough or like they get the recognition they deserve. Here’s why…and what can be done about it.
Make Your Job, Prototype Your Life
“When you look at people who are thriving in their jobs, you notice that they didn’t find them, they made them.”
— Ashley Goodall, senior vice president of leadership and team intelligence at Cisco
What If?? Own Your Horror Stories
Have you ever wanted to do something and been paralyzed by fear or indecision because… what if?? That's a horror story that you’re telling yourself. And that’s ok! Look deep down into the depths of darkness and embrace what is holding you back. Doing so will not only be fun, but it will help you unlock insights that will help you move forward.
Make Your Mentors
Something that I learned working for myself that also made my full time jobs better: create your co-workers and make your mentors. Curate you who want to hang out with, support, and learn from. Work isn't a solitary exercise. Having people to "co" with makes everything better.
How To Negotiate
Negotiating is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Here is what I learned from some of the most accomplished, kick-ass women I have had the pleasure to work with.
Recap Your Story
Before you move onto your next year, quarter, project, or goals more broadly, stop. Take account of your past accomplishments so that you can build energy and insights for what’s next. Your brain will thank you for it.
Find Your Story as a Leader
Did you know that your brain thinks about your past, present, and future endeavors as a story? In that story, YOU are the hero, superpowers, kryptonite, and all.
Story-driven Digital Transformation at Capital One
This week, I had the honor of keynoting and teaching a series of workshops at the Capital One CML Digital Summit in Richmond, VA. Why story?
FREE Product Storymapping Tools, Templates, and More
Download these tools to use on your next project.
Why "Breaking" Experiences Makes Them Better
What filmmakers know about engaging an audience.