Speaking and Workshops

Transform how you work.

Story is the most powerful, visceral and memorable way that humans make sense of the world. Shouldn’t you learn to leverage that power? In my highly regarded keynotes, hands-on workshops, learn how to own your story as a leader, team, or business.


My customizable, highly interactive presentations, workshops, and retreats cover topics like:

  • Organizational storytelling

  • Unlocking leadership superpowers

  • Managing leadership kryptonite

  • Developing leadership presence

  • Strategic planning

  • Taming horror stories (eg. imposter syndrome, organizational narratives)

  • Managing conflict

  • Giving and receiving feedback

  • Psychological safety

Would you like me to keynote or teach a workshop at your organization or event?

There’s always one talk you want to rush back and immediately apply it to what you’re working on. Donna’s was it.
— Dave Shea, Founder, CSS Zen Garden

Past events