
CEOs Don’t Read and Other Neurodiversity Stories
Did you know that 25-40% of CEOs are dyslexic? Neither did I until I started working with them.

Who are your heroes?
Next time you’re stuck, look to your heroes to unlock your superpowers.

The Leader's Journey Is a #1 Bestseller!
Here's to more unconventional, thoughtful, intentional leadership moving the world forward...we sure as hell need it right now 💥.

Why Coaches Give Crappy Advice—And What To Do About It
The best coaches help you figure out what YOU need to do in the most informed way possible, without wasting too much time, energy, or money on the wrong things. It’s a balancing act. But it works.

Uncovering Leadership Blindspots With Founder and Investor Barry O'Reilly
On this live stream, Donna Lichaw, author of the bestselling book “The Leader’s Journey”. Donna will guide us through a transformative journey, helping high-growth CEOs, tech executives, and senior leadership teams overcome these obstacles and make a positive impact on the world. 💪

Find Out Who You Are...And Do It On Purpose
When you know who you are, know what lights you up, and bring others along on your journey, that's when you create the foundation for making the impact you want to make at work and in life.

The Leader's Journey is out now!
Being a great leader isn’t easy. But it can be easily learned.

Product Thinking Podcast with Melissa Perri
I recently joined Melissa Perri to talk about how I help leaders and executives answer questions like, “how do I get my team excited to show up to work every day?”

Why Owning Your Story as a Leader Is Not Enough
Because you can’t always see what you can’t see.

Story Driven 1:1s: How to Build Heroes Across Your Organization
Whether you are the CEO or a front-line manager, 1:1s are essential for getting the best work out of the folks who directly report to you. Here is a brief overview of what has worked best for my clients when having manager 1:1s.

Podcast: Be The Hero of Your Own Story
Recently Andrew Chamberlain had me on The Creative Writer's Toolbelt podcast title to discuss how to be the hero of your own story as a leader. In this podcast, I share many of my secrets that I use with clients to help them be more super.

Rock The Kanban: In Defense of Owning Your Cliffhangers
If you’re overwhelmed by All The Things you need to do, do this. You’ll feel better.

How to Beat Burnout as a Leader: A Story
If you find yourself feeling burnt out, think like a storyteller and act like a story-maker. Less soap opera. More adventure tale.